Qchnia Artystyczna.


Qchnia Artystyczna is the restaurant of Marta Gessler. We are located in the Center for Contemporary Art in the Ujazdowski Castle (U-Jazdowski) and prestigious, green part of the capital, near the Agrykola park and Łazienki Królewskie.

We have one of the most beautiful summer terraces in Warsaw, which has been a popular meeting place for Varsovians and guests from all over the world. Maciej Nowak (culinary critic) wrote about our terrace in one of his culinary columns: “…it is the most beautiful terrace in Warsaw, and who knows maybe in whole Europe.” and we absolutely agree with these words! The view is breathtaking.

We have many years of experience in implementing both avant-garde and traditional projects. We prepare cultural events, vernissages, fashion shows, large corporate banquets, but also welcomes tourists, people of art and business by the table, at small meetings in restaurant rooms and in the U-Jazdowski courtyard.

The food served in the restaurant is always of the highest quality seasonal products. The dishes are created according to the ideas of Marta Gessler. Our cuisine is modern, healthy, beautifully served and follows the latest culinary trends.

The interior is a constantly changing. Bold decorations, simple forms and bright colors.

In Qchnia, we have free wifi for you, so drop by for lunch with laptops and just ask the waiter for the password.

Booking: +48 22 6257627